Multiple Template Variables in Plugin Development


You want your plugin to have multiple template variables.


Use PHP’s overloading in the main template variable to load in separate template variables.

Assuming that your plugin was named CocktailRecipes, your CocktailRecipesVariable.php file would look like this:

namespace Craft;

class CocktailRecipesVariable
    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        $className = 'Craft\CocktailRecipes_' . ucfirst($name) . 'Variable';

        return (class_exists($className)) ? new $className() : null;

Your extracted CocktailRecipes_IngredientsVariable.php variable file would look like this:

namespace Craft;

class CocktailRecipes_IngredientsVariable
    public function getAll()
        // Some code to get all ingredients

And then your template would look like this:

{% for ingredient in craft.cocktailRecipes.ingredients.getAll %}
    {# Do something with the ingredient #}
{% endfor %}


This can be useful when you have a complicated plugin that has multiple services and controllers, and you want to keep your variables associated with your services.