Fully Dynamic Hierarchical Nav Menu Template
You want to output a navigation menu that automatically lists a Structure Section’s page hierarchy, with various CSS classes that indicate current page, current section, has children, etc.
The Craft docs have a basic example of a hierarchical nav menu, but usually you want to add various CSS classes that indicate certain things about each page in the menu so you can style them appropriately. Here is a template that shows you how to add such classes.
<ul class="nav-list nav-list--level-1">
{% set homeIsCurrent = (entry.section.handle == 'homepage') %}
<li class="nav-item nav-item--home nav-item--level-1 {% if homeIsCurrent %}nav-item--current{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ siteUrl }}">Home</a>
{% nav page in craft.entries.section('pages') %}
{% set pageIsCurrent = (page.id == entry.id) %}
{% set pageIsTopParent = (craft.request.firstSegment == page.uri) %}
{% set pageIsInPath = (entry.uri matches '{^' ~ page.uri ~ '}') %}
{% set classes = ['nav-item--level-' ~ page.level] %}
{% set classes = classes|merge([pageIsCurrent ? 'nav-item--is-current' : '']) %}
{% set classes = classes|merge([pageIsTopParent ? 'nav-item--is-top-parent' : '']) %}
{% set classes = classes|merge([pageIsInPath ? 'nav-item--is-in-path' : '']) %}
{% set classes = classes|merge([page.hasDescendants ? 'nav-item--has-children' : '']) %}
{% set classes = classes|join(' ') %}
<li class="{{ classes }}">
<a href="{{ page.url }}">
{{ page.title }}
{% if page.hasDescendants %}<span class="nav-toggle nav-toggle--level-{{ page.level }}">▼</span>{% endif %}
{% ifchildren %}
<ul class="nav-list nav-list--level-{{ page.level + 1 }}">
{% children %}
{% endifchildren %}
{% endnav %}
Some things to note:
- Make sure you replace the ‘pages’ argument in
with the handle of your own structure section. - You can of course set whatever CSS classes you want, but I am using
prefixes to denote theul
elements. - You can change the actual CSS class names that get output, by altering the strings in the various
{% set classes = ... %}
lines. pageIsCurrent
means that the nav item is the page currently being viewed.pageIsTopParent
means that the nav item is a top-level page in the given section that is “above” the page currently being viewed (that is, it is the top-level menu item that the currently-viewed page lives under).pageIsInPath
means that the nav item is a parent at any level (direct parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc.) of the page currently being viewed. Note that it will also be true for the page currently being viewed itself.- All that “set classes” junk is kind of ugly, but it does keep a lot of logic out of the html itself, so in my opinion it is slightly cleaner than littering the actual css attribute of the html tags with a bunch of twig
statements. - If you don’t want the homepage link in your nav menu, just delete that first
for it (along with theisHome
variable setting line above it).
Submitted by Jordan Lev on 1st February, 2017